Combine exciting activities with captivating multimedia content to dramatically increase participation and student achievement in your classroom. In this session, teachers will explore reimagined nearpod features designed to enhance math instruction and student engagement. This session will include workshop time for teachers to build relevant tasks for their lessons. a basic working knowledge of the platform is required.
Global competition for in-demand tech-related careers is at an all-time high and will continue to increase as the world ideologies, environmental factors, and high-tech globalization flourish. Students deserve choices in careers and emerging technologies, and academic esports offer access to diverse and equitable workforce skills. Professional skills gleaned from these experiences include problem-solving, teamwork, collaboration, communication, and a plethora of skills mastery which leads to certification in a variety of wide-ranging careers. Discover how to maximize math participation and create relevant rigorous academic curricula. Connect the relevance of innovative curricula to help students successfully complete career pathways/industry certifications while building a solid college prep portfolio. Garner support from all stakeholders and hear from math teachers and the community at large.
This session will give educators information about free educator endorsement courses, including elementary math and math specialist that can be taken fully online at no cost to the educator through a grant with USBE. These courses also roll into an M.ED, which will allow teachers to have completed 1/3 of their degree already. We will also discuss other program offerings, including general professional development, conference credit, etc.