This session is for all educators working with students with identified exceptionalities. Participants will develop strategies to broaden student access to problem solving and support productive struggle. Participants will also consider best practices around co-teaching math lessons and explore IEP goals as a way to become agents of change.
Let's put ourselves in spaces that we ask of our students: engaging and collaborating on a math task, productive struggle, and making connections. In this session, attendees will experience the many virtues we hope to cultivate for our students: visualization, structure, deep investigation, persistence, abstraction, etc.
Assessments are an integral part of every student's higher math education journey to becoming a secondary school math teacher. Students, whether they like it or not, are required to complete this assessment (mostly a culminating exam) in order to get a good score on their course. Giving students opportunities to develop, connect, and build their assessment according to their fieldwork experiences helps create a sense of belonging in math and values students' experiences. Tools used in this presentation will be unit plan templates. Group discussion and brainstorming ideas will be the most used strategies in this session. Participants will think about the format and process of unit plans they use in their math methods courses and how these formats and processes help future math teachers in their math teaching journey.
There are many myths out there about what great math teaching looks and feels like. Let's explore how to make powerful moments in your class tomorrow! Warning: This is a high energy presentaion, so be prepared for laughter and lots of learning.